Select Webmaster:

Sonicdude_uk Jingleboy

Above, you can contact the Webmasters for a number of reasons. However, before emailing please read the following and our F.A.Q as it may answer your question:

(If you do not wish to email, you can still contact us via the Site Forum.)

I've Spotted An Error With The Site:

This website works best in Mozilla Firefox. If you are experiencing errors, it may be due to using another web browser. You can download Firefox from the link below.

Firefox 3

Of course, if you've found a factual error or a typo, feel free to make fun of us via email.

Some Media Is Offline Or There Is A Broken Link:

Because we are cheapskates, we host our media in a variety of different places. Sometimes, these hosts go down and thus take our media with them. Normally it should be back up in a couple of hours. If it does not come back, though, please tell us.

The Entire Website is Offline?:

The same applies to the problem above. The site is fine, but once in a while Freehostia's Server will go down for a while, and again, downtime varies. Should we ever move the entire site to a new server or some such, it will be reported either on this site's main and splash page, or

The Mystical Ninja Club

I Got A File/Video/Episode I Wish To Submit:

Goemon International is happy to accept useful and interesting Goemon-related files that we don't have. That said, don't send any files that we already own. (Unless the quality is like a bazillion times better). Also, we don't accept files that are heavily watermarked and any Adult material will be ignored.

That's all the rules about submitting files.

I Want To Submit Fan Material:

Due to lack of interest, the Fan Section was removed in the Goemon International Redesign. If we ever get more fanart, we might bring it back. We accept Images, Flash animations, Music Videos, etc. Fan content must be family-friendly.

Found something else wrong with the site? Then please email us!