Hey everyone!
Now that the excitement over GI V2 has died down it is time for some real updates and news. Sorry for the wait!
First of all, all the ISO links have been fixed. That means everything ever should work. If you find something, be it a broken link, image or typo, please get in touch. Paranoia!
I'd like to mention Greegarr's Ganbare Goemon 2 translation! Been in the works for about 2 years now, and it's beginning to reach completion. You check out more info by clicking the image below. Must say, done a great job. It's great to finally have another Goemon game in english!
TehResearchGuy over at Deviantart made an interesting Smash Bros. Brawl texture hack that I'm sure some of you might enjoy! There are some more interesting hacks in his gallery, check them out.
I think that's all for now, keep on truckin' peeps! |