Tak Fujii Takes to Twitter!
28 Aug 2012

Hey Goemon fans!

This is just a shout out... I've recieved a couple of emails alerting me that Tak Fujii, a producer at Konami has taken to Twitter and recently asked:

'Are you missing GOEMON (Mystical Ninja) ?'

After some fan responses, he then tweeted:

'OK, I hear your love... But I wonder why. Why Goemon is so special for you, compare to other huge side scroll action franchises?'

This is interesting as it shows Goemon has been on his mind... Could something be in the works??? What's also interesting, whilst also frustrating... I asked him if he happened to have any news to share... He then deleted my post a few hours later... What could this mean then!?

It's too soon to get overly excited, but its significant & it's important us fans show our support and make it heard we want to see more Goemon. So be sure to check out his twitter and post some responses!


I personally feel something could be on the horizon & will keep my eyes wide open should anything more happen! Time will tell...!



Thats it for now, will be back with an update soon... with some new media goodies, which you're all gonna love!


Tak Fuji - 'Thanks for so many HOT messages about our classic IP. I will take them seriously and hope I can do something extreeeeme to thank your love.'

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