Goemon comes to "Super Bomberman R Online"
27 Jan 2022

Back in 2017 we saw the "Goemon Bomber" skin added to the (at the time) Nintendo Switch exclusive "Super Bomberman R".

In 2020 KONAMI released a free-to-play version of this game titled "Super Bomberman R Online", with the focus being able to have up to 64 players online at once.

The game receives occasional content updates and in the 1.4.1 update we see the Goemon Bomber skin return! I wonder if we'll also see the Ebisumaru skin soon?

Click below to see tweet by the BOMBERMAN Official account:

Additionally, a wagon shop commemorating the "KONAMI Code 35th Anniversary" has popped up in Tokyo Station. It'll be around until the 3rd of February and offers the same merchandise as the Playful Mind Cáfe collaboration.

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