Wii U And 3DS eShop Closure stubs Goemon
26 Mar 2023

A year has already passed since Nintendo's announcement that both the Wii U & 3DS eShop would close on March 27th 2023.

While this is a disappointment to every Nintendo fan, this carries a bigger significance to Goemon fans as it means that most of the Goemon series will now be unpurchasable & inaccessible.

Here's a list of the titles being lost with the eShop closure:


  • GB - Ganbare Goemon Kurofune Tō No Nazo (Mystical Ninja Starring GOEMON)

  • GB - Ganbare Goemon: Sarawareta Ebisumaru

  • FC - Ganbare Goemon! Karakuri Dōchū

  • FC - Ganbare Goemon Gaiden: Kieta Ōgon Kiseru

  • FC - Ganbare Goemon 2

  • SFC - Ganbare Goemon: Yukihime Kyūshutsu Emaki (The Legend of the Mystical Ninja)

Wii U:

  • SFC - Ganbare Goemon: Yukihime Kyūshutsu Emaki (The Legend of the Mystical Ninja)

  • SFC - Ganbare Goemon 2: Kiteretsu Shōgun Magginesu

  • SFC - Ganbare Goemon 3: Shishijūrokubē no Karakuri Manji Gatame

  • FC - Ganbare Goemon! Karakuri Dōchū

  • MSX - Ganbare Goemon! Karakuri Dōchū 2

  • FC - Ganbare Goemon 2

  • FC - Ganbare Goemon Gaiden 2: Tenka no Zaihō

  • FC - Ganbare Goemon Gaiden: Kieta Ōgon Kiseru

As a result, the only widely available title left is ironically the oldest of the bunch - the Arcade Archives port of Mr. Goemon by Hamster Corp.

While this loss is dis-hearting, just remember that Goemon will live on as long as you remember him!

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