MNSG Decompliation Project
31 Jan 2022

A decompilation project for the N64 title "Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon" has been started over on Github.

What does this mean? In simple terms, it means taking the N64 ROM and essentially reverse-engineering (aka "decompiling") the game from machine code to the higher-level source code files.

By doing this, not only will the game be able to be compiled for other platforms (like PC), but it'll also give a greater understanding of how the game was made, how everything works, and allow for a higher degree of modding.

It's still early days for the project, however the project runner Fluvian has already manage to successfully decompile 1 file. We're interested to see what the future holds.

If you're familiar with Linux, C Programming and Assembly please feel free to assist!

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